It’s complicated to keep your environmental impact to a minimum while you’re away from home. And when you’re in an environment like the office, reducing waste and decreasing your footprint can seem next to impossible.
But have you ever stopped to think that you spend the majority of your day at work? So, it is important that you do something to stay waste free. But, don’t worry! With a few adjustments in your daily routine, you can easily stay zero waste at work.
Check out our simple tips and swaps that will help stay zero waste at work and significantly reduce your environmental impact.
1 – Take your own reusable water bottle
It is effortless, and it can really help to reduce your waste. You should always have one with you, even to make sure you drink the necessary amount of water daily.
That way, you avoid single-use items like plastic bottles and cups.
2 – Pack your lunch and snacks
To take your own lunch and snacks to the office in reusable containers not only reduces packaging waste but can also make you save a lot of money.
Prepare everything the night before and opt for plant-based meals and snacks. Also, always take some fruit with you.
Let’s banish those vending machines trips and say no to plastic and processed food.
3 – Take your coffee mug
Most people drink 2 to 3 coffees a day. Have you imagined the waste that is if everyone drinks their coffee in disposable cups, either plastic or paper?
Take your own coffee mug from home if your office doesn’t provide them. You can leave it in the kitchen area if you have one, or near you so you can wash it after use.
You can also make your coffee at home and take it with you in a thermos and drink it throughout the day.
4 – Make office supplies last longer
Are there really ways to make your office supplies last longer? Absolutely.
The ink on your pens and markers tend to dry up more quickly if you don’t use them regularly. So, it is essential that you use just one pen at a time to ensure you get the full use of them.
To avoid plastic waste, wipe the tip of your pen with a cloth after using it and store it with the tip pointing upward to prevent clogging.
Another tip is to avoid printing everything, prefer reading it on the computer. This will save a load a paper. And if you really need to print something out opt for double-sided print. Also never forget to recycle the paper.
5 –Decrease your energy footprint
Computers, printers and other office electronics can use up loads of energy, increasing the footprint of your workplace. While office energy may seem almost impossible to avoid, you can significantly reduce it with a few simple steps.
Set the power saving option in your devices and always turn off your computer when you’re not using it.
You can also talk to your supervisors about adjusting the setting on all of your office computers and installing power strips.
6 – Commute greener
Commuting to work can have a significant impact on the environment, but there are easy ways to reduce that impact.Instead of driving alone, why not commute greener by carpooling with colleagues or taking public transportation?
Even better, if you leave close to your workplace, opt for walking or biking. It’s better for the environment and your health.
Not that difficult to minimize your impact on the environment and staying zero waste on your workplace, right? Now it’s time to put these tips, or the ones you can, in practice and save the only planet we have.