Have you ever stopped to think about what your clothes are made of? And what about who makes your clothes and in what conditions they work in? Well, these are important questions you should know the answer when buying a new t-shirt.
Even though most of us are aware of the negative impacts of the fast fashion industry on our planet and our global social justice, there is still a lot you probably don’t know.
Because we think that knowledge is power, we listed five documentaries about fashion and sustainability that you should watch if you want to reduce your personal impact on our planet.
1 – The True Cost
If you want to know more about the negative social and environmental impact of fast fashion you must watch The True Cost.
As the title leads on, it talks about the true cost of a garment that is not reflected in the retail price. It goes into details about the Rana Plaza disaster in which a garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh, killing 1134 people. In this film, you can also watch some great interviews with people that are trying to make a difference in the fashion world like Stella McCartney, Livia Firth and Vandana Shiva.
The True Cost is available on Netflix, iTunes and Amazon Prime.
Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=47&v=QPMU1VHgmEo&feature=emb_logo
2 – River Blue
The River Blue documentary focuses on explaining how the fashion industry is polluting and destroying our rivers. The film follows international river conservationist, Mark Angelo, around the world to show us how the industry is affecting our natural resources as well as human health.
River Blue is available on iTunes, Amazon and Google Play.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=139&v=pfPMeMGbrj4&feature=emb_logo
3 - Alex James: Slowing Down Fast Fashion
This film follows Blur bassist Alex James as he explores the world of fast fashion. Besides focusing only on the negative impacts of buying cheap clothes, this documentary also gives us some hope for the future of fashion by talking to designers and activists that are trying to find solutions.
Available on Amazon Prime and iTunes.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RoOl3TgVO0&feature=emb_logo
4 – The Next Black
This film is not about the negative aspects of the fast fashion industry but instead talks about the future of clothes in a sustainability and technology perspective. The Next Black joins designers and innovators from all around the world to discuss what’s next for the industry.
Available on YouTube.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuPzdpudwhU
5 – Minimalism
![Nuwa's Blog - 5 documentaries about fashion and sustainability you must watch fashion and sustainability documentaries](https://www.nuwastore.com/media/wysiwyg/mini.jpg)
Minimalism shows you how you can live better with less stuff. The film tells the story of Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus, The Minimalists. This documentary will, for sure inspire you to think before you buy anything and to make your life lighter.
Available on Netflix.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Co1Iptd4p4
Now you know, before buying your next t-shirt, or your next pair of jeans, ask yourself: is this brand transparent about the materials they use to make the garments? Does this brand pays a fair salary to all its employees and provides them with a safe environment to work? Remember that small steps can help to make a difference.